IAP2 Indonesia Strengthen the Strategy of Public Participation

Seminar IAP2 Okt 2014IAP2 Indonesia organized a one-day seminar on 20 October 2014 in Jakarta. The seminar discussed the core issue of IAP2 Indonesia, especially about the strategy how to strengthen the public participation in Indonesia. Presiding member IAP2 Indonesia Aldi Muhammad Alizar said that Indonesia is one of the emerging economic countries in the world that needs support to increase the participation of stakeholders in the process of development. This public participation is very important as part of democracy. “Technically, public participation measures the quality of stakeholder engagement in the process of public policies formulation”, Aldi added.

Since the beginning, said Aldi, IAP2 Indonesia was committed to continuously support the process of public participation strengthening through various strategies. Moreover, IAP2 is the preeminent international organization advancing the practice of public participation. IAP2, Aldi added, supports people who implement or participate in public decision-making processes. IAP2’s focus on practical tools and best practices has made it the primary resource for developing public participation processes. IAP2 is a member driven organization that can help you to grow professionally, provide you with training opportunities and increase networking with other public participation practitioners locally, nationally, and internationally.

According to Aldi, for the next three years, the missions of IAP2 Indonesia including: (1) Develop and improve the understanding and technique of public participation. (2) Increase the quality and profesionalism of stakeholders in public participation. (3) Promote and share information about public participation among practitioners and public. (4) Publich and disseminate the knowledge of public participation through articles, journals, books, audio visuals, etc. And (5) Advocacy of public participation to improve the pulic policies.

To support these missions, Aldi said, IAP2 Indonesia developed the strategy: (1) Carry out the tranings, seminars, workshops, conferences, and meetings about public participation. (2) Publich the ideas about pulic participation throug articles, journals, audio visual, website, blog, atc. (3) Conduct and encourage the research activities to support the missions of Association. (4) Prepare the technical assisstance, resources, and other supports to strengthen public participation in Indonesia. (5) Carry out other activities that is in line with the mission of Association.

Aldi realized that its not easy to accomplish the missions. Nevertheless, with support from all members, networks and partners, he hoped that IAP2 Indonesia could do something better for public purticipation in this country. (Admin)


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