Call for Poster – International Forum 2019

call for poster

International Forum on Public Participation and Stakeholder Engagement for SDGs: Poster Submissions Now Open!

Have you gotten an idea for a poster? We invite you to be part of the International Forum on Public Participation and Stakeholder Engagement for SDGs in Bangkok, Thailand by submitting a poster.

It is an opportunity to publish your current results, research contributions, works-in-progress, interesting projects and case studies, sponsorships or other relevant initiatives that are related to the forum themes. Accepted posters will be exhibited in the event venue, including a designated poster session.

Poster Submissions are now open and will close on April 05, 2019.

Poster submissions are open for people concerned in the issues of Public Participation (P2), Stakeholder Engagement (SE) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reach a global audience. Submissions are
also welcome for community groups and community organizations.

Learn more:
Contact person: (Blake Hrubes)



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