IAP2 Australasia akan melaksanakan pelatihan tentang Planning for Effective Public Participation di Merlbourne. Pelatihan ini sangat populer di Australia. Menariknya, begitu populernya pelatihan ini, pendaftaran partisipan untuk pelatihan tanggal 4 dan 5 Maret 2014 sudah penuh. IAP2 Australasia menawarkan kepada publik yang berminat dengan pelatihan ini untuk bisa mendaftar pada pelatihan selanjutnya yang akan diadakan pada 29 dan 30 April 2014. Di bawah ini informasi lengkapnya.
IAP2 Training Melbourne
Module 1: Planning for Effective Public Participation
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The IAP2 Certificate in Public Participation consists of three courses:
• Course 1: Planning for Effective Public Participation (2 days)
• Course 2: Communication for Effective Public Participation (1 day)
• Course 3: Techniques for Effective Public Participation (2 days)
At the conclusion of each course, students will receive credit from IAP2 recognising the successful completion of that course. Upon completion of all three courses, students will be awarded a Certificate in Public Participation from IAP2 international.
Learning Environment
All three courses are presented in an experiential learning environment that provides students with the opportunity to explore their own public participation challenges with their instructor and peers. Interactive exercises and practical tips are used to enliven the theory and reference materials presented throughout each course and reinforce skills that participants can put to immediate use.
Our Courses
The IAP2 Training Program offers a Certificate in Public Participation throughout Australasia, North America, Europe and Asia. Our trainers have worked with practitioners from around the world to develop practical tools and courses that transcend national and cultural boundaries and are suitable for the most advanced practitioners through to those just starting out.
Planning for Effective Public Participation
In this two-day course, using examples and practical exercises, participants will learn how to build realistic engagement plans used by community engagement practitioners.
You will discover:
The full scope of planning needed for effective public participation
The foundations of public participation on which to build effective processes
A 5-step planning process starting with gaining internal commitment and identifying the strategic focus
Ways to identify communities and their issues
How to select the appropriate level of public participation
How to set clear, shared objectives for effective public participation
How to develop a public participation plan
Note: Planning for Effective Public Participation – This course is a compulsory pre-requisite for both the Communication and Techniques modules in the Certificate in Public Participation.