New Training: Foundation in Public Participation

Training1IAP2 International akan memperkenalkan program pelatihan baru kepada publik dengan judul “Foundation in Public Participation”. Pelatihan baru ini akan diperkenalkan nanti pada bulan April 2014. Bagi yang berminat, kunjungi laman website IAP2:

Penjelasan lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut:

The IAP2 International Federation will launch on April 1st 2014 a new training program!


This new and revamped program will consist of two modules, provided to participants in a five-day training course.

  • Planning for Effective Public Participation module (three days) is a prerequisite for this course.
  • Techniques for Effective Public Participation (two days).

Registered participants attending the course will be issued a Certificate of Attendance from the IAP2 International Federation following the successful completion of the program.

Brief Course Descriptions and Take Away:

Planning for Effective Public Participation (three days)

This three-day module of the IAP2 Foundations Program provides an introduction to the foundations of effective public participation programs. IAP2 has worked with practitioners from around the world to develop foundational tools that transcend national and cultural boundaries. Even advanced practitioners will find useful tools and techniques to assist in working with the public and clients to establish effective public participation. These tools are presented in an interactive and experiential learning environment that provides students with the opportunity to explore their own public participation challenges with their instructor and peers.

The Planning module focuses on defining the issues for which public participation is required, identifying stakeholders and ensuring their involvement throughout the process. Using IAP2’s Spectrum for Public Participation, course participants establish clear and achievable objectives for public participation and a promise to the public. Participants learn how to prepare an organization for conducting public participation and to plan for the timing, techniques, and resources needed to make public participation a success. Emphasis is placed on creating and using continuous feedback and evaluation.

At the conclusion, participants will have learned:

  • How to identify the full scope of planning needed for effective participation, including decision steps, roles and responsibilities, timing, resources and introduction to technique selection
  • How to gain a clear understanding of the public and the roles they play in participation
  • How to select the appropriate level of public participation
  • How to set clear objectives to achieve public participation goals
  • How to develop a public participation plan
  • How to identify appropriate evaluation tools to measure the effectiveness of public participation

Note: Planning for Effective Public Participation is a prerequisite for all other IAP2 Public Participation training.

Techniques for Effective Public Participation (two days)

This two-day module in IAP2’s Certificate Program in Public Participation provides an introduction to a range of practical tools and techniques used at all five levels of IAP2’s Public Participation Spectrum. The module builds on the learnings in the Planning course and provides participants with opportunities to reflect on and improve their understanding of the IAP2 approach to public participation. It gives course participants an opportunity to try out or observe a number of specific techniques including World Cafe, Interviews, Revolving Conversations, Deliberation and Advisory Groups.

It includes overviews of more than 50 tools and techniques tested and used by public participation practitioners around the globe. The course is designed as a primer and is suitable for beginning to intermediate level practitioners and those who want a review of basic group process techniques. Interactive exercises and practical tips are used to enliven the basic theory and reference materials presented throughout the two-day session and reinforce skills that participants can put to immediate use.

Students learn how to create effective forums for dialogue and how to avoid the many problems encountered in traditional public meetings. Students leave this module armed with a detailed student manual covering the course materials and a packet of IAP2 Tip- sheets offering practical advice for selecting, using and evaluating a broad range of public participation activities.

At the conclusion of the module participants will have learned:

  • How to select techniques to use at all levels on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation
  • How to select techniques to share information, collect and compile information and bring people together
  • How to adapt techniques to suit specific situations and meet public participation objectives.

For further information on the IAP2 Federation training courses, dates and locations etc., kindly visit the IAP2 website:

Who should attend?

This training program is offered to individuals, organizations, government officials and businesses that understand the importance of public participation and citizen engagement, in the success of their local, national and global initiatives.

The training is geared to both practitioners and decisions makers interested in exploring this rapidly evolving field of public participation. The program is particularly beneficial to those individuals and organizations including local government officials as well as small and medium enterprises and large corporations who are interested in establishing and managing participatory and effective public participation processes.

While the course content is standardized, the delivery of this program is customized by IAP2 Federation Licensed Trainers to take into account the culture and needs of the individuals and organizations receiving this training.

Practical, result oriented this course has been developed through a collaborative and participatory approach of a team of IAP2 Federation’s Licensed Trainers with a rich and varied experience and pool insights, best practices and learnings from around the world.

Certificate Issued by the IAP2 International Federation

Only those participants who have registered for the entire five-day training program will be issued a certificate following successful completion of the program.


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